25 March 2010

White post

New dress. From a random shop. I fell in love with it.

Interior Marie Claire, Koala from routard.com

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21 March 2010

The Moschino

Thrifted Moschino bag and shirt, Random t-shirt and jeans, Old belt, Newlook shoes.

15 March 2010

Went trifting at my local secondhand market last friday. It was a long time since I was there. I'm so poor right now haha. And everytime I go there I explose my budget.
Bought this black transparent granny jacket (I bought it from a granny, that's why), White and blue striped skirt (I'm going to turn it into a summer dress), the Moschino bag!, A velvet dress, a pull-over I don't know what I'm going to do with yet, a child chemise. And a cross I turned onto an earing. It's on the bottom left of first picture but you can't se it...

I felt so excited when I saw this bag:

Got it for 3€. I felt like "Oh I have to get that before somebody else grabs it !". But. Who here would know Moschino ?... Ok, don't really think it's a real one. But it's leather. So maybe ?

I want this belt. So I felt happy finding the bag :)

Wanting Australia sun.

From routard.com

09 March 2010

Olé !

Vintage dress, Newlook top and shoes, My aunts necklace (present), H&m earings and gold necklace (turned into a bracelet), random bracelets.

Then I realised it made me think of :
Frida Kahlo. Kind of obsessed.


Vintage skirt turned into dress, My mothers old belt, Vintage fur, Morgan shoes, Vintage snake gloves (present), Hair done with Thehautepursuit tutorial.

Marie Claire maison
Sorry for the poor quality. Webcam shots :/

03 March 2010

New look body, Mango jeans, Old scarf from my mum, Vintage bag, blazer and rosary, Shoes from a random shop, Wet hair (not dirty..)

White jeans make me think of bourgeois. But make such a refreshing look ! I was looking for one while the sales were on. I was so happy to find this Mango jeans for 7€ (more or less the same in $). It was something like 30 and I went there nearly every week to see the price go down haha. Nobody wants white jeans in winter. Come on guys ! Anticipate summer :D
This body I LOVE so much. Wanted a bodysuit for a long time. You can't really see well but it striped white and blue. Like Petit Bateau.
Got these shoes a few months ago. Sheep ! I don't wear them a lot though.

02 March 2010

Les roses

Or maybe

New look dress, Both vintage vests, Primark bag and tights, Shoes from Ebay, Pants from my mum.

I got the dress for nothing. But it's for a 13 years old so real short !! You can't really see the white vest in detail but it's so pretty. With lace in the back. I just needed clogs type of shoes. Even if we're in february and it's like... 5°c ...

01 March 2010


1 : Nancy Cunard, 2 : My favortie Jewelerry, 3, 4, 5 : Wmagasine by M. Sorrenti

My favourite Jewelerry includes 2 vintage rosaries, golden watch from my granddad, silver watch from New Look, Six indian earrings, Big green and red necklace from my aunt, metal bracelet my friend gave me, créole gold earrings, goldish bracelet from my sister.